Where to Eat Pizza in Rome

If you are in Italy chances are you will want to try a Pizza. It's not an easy task though. I see so many tourists having Pizza at terrible restaurants and then think "They will think this is Pizza!!!!".
If you are in Rome you can choose between Roman Pizza (a very crispy and thin though) or the real deal: Pizza from Naples. But a couple of things you should consider:
- Have Pizza at a Pizzeria, not at a Restaurant
- Pizza is not normally served at lunch
- If a restaurant has one too many things, they are probably not doing any of them right.
One of my favorite places to eat a real Pizza from Naples is Tata Pizzeria in the Eur Neighborhood, which was built by Mussolini and a very Modern Neighborhood in Rome, where you can find big streets, huge sidewalks and artificial lakes. Since the area is filled with offices and business buildings it's also a great place to eat and there is a vast choice of good restaurants.
In the Picture, the Wild at Heart Phone Case
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